Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 4

Today I researched "Dry Brushing" and why you should do it before you take a shower in the morning. It was recommended in the CSD book and so following along obediently we are doing just that. It's amazing how much softer my skin feels after doing this for a few days.
According to Dr. Denice Moffat, dry brushing helps stimulate your body organs during the detoxification process including the skin, gut, kidneys, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, and mucous membranes. Additionally, there are benefits to dry brushing. It:

1.    Removes cellulite
2.    Cleanses the lymphatic system
3.    Removes dead skin layers
4.    Strengthens the immune system
5.     Stimulates the hormone and oil-producing glands
6.    Tightens the skin preventing premature aging
7.    Tones the muscles
8.    Stimulates circulation
9.      Improves the function of the nervous system
10.    Helps digestion
11.   AND it’s easy, inexpensive and invigorating! 
For details on this go here to learn more.

I have been drinking more water than usual, which I realize I should have been doing all along. I feel so much better! (duh)... I dropped 6 pounds in the last 4 days, most of which is probably just water. But who cares! Woohoo! Go me! The green juice actually tastes way better now than it did in the beginning. Maybe because there has been no sugar in my diet whatsoever. Maybe my taste buds are clearer. I dunno, But whatev, it's tasty. 

 I haven't been bloated, and I haven't felt sluggish at all. Instead I have felt energized. So, I found 20 minutes and did  Zumba today, which was a lot of fun. 

The menu the last 2 days have been absolutely amazing.  Remember I told you we were going to have Mexican Pilaf for dinner last night? ZOMG it was AH-MAY-ZING. So good that I am sharing the recipe.
It's by Chad Sarno from I am consistently amazed at how tasty a raw food diet is. I am chicken when it comes to stepping outside my comfort zone in food. I know what I like, and I have always been hesitant to do something like this. But Hey! I'm trading that attitude for a more open mind. So yay. 
Mexican Pilaf
(serves 4)
3 Cups wild rice, cooked
3 TB diced green onion
1 1/2 Cup tomato diced
1/2 cup cilantro chopped
2 TB fresh oregano, minced
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes soaked for 1-3 hours
1/2 TB garlic, minced
1 1/2 TB white miso
1 TB chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin
2 TB lemon juice
3 TB olive oil
1 tsp. sea salt
place the cooked rice in mixing bowl and hand toss with green onion, 1 cup of diced tomato, cilantro, and oregano. Set aside. In high speed blender, blend the sun-dried tomatoes, remaining 1/2 cup diced tomato, miso, garlic, chili powder, cumin, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt until smooth. Toss tomato paste with rice and mix well. 
It's really good. You should try it. Really. 
Tonight we made raw noodles out of zucchini. That's something I had never even thought of. I just took my vegetable peeler and sliced noodles out of the zucchini. I poured pesto over the bowl of zucchini noodles and voila! Delicious. Ryan tried a noodle and didn't even know that it wasn't pasta. The best part? No bloating from pasta. That is a total win. 
And for dessert tonight? I'm taking frozen bananas, and blending them to make soft serve ice cream. It's so good. 
Glenn has a massive headache from the detox, but other than that he's doing well. He learned that he likes wild rice (didn't know). 
Anyway, today was a win.  I am hoping to add yoga and meditation to my day tomorrow. We shall see. :)

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