Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 1

It turns out that you really should read the manual before operating new appliances. If you don't, you could possibly have cucumber fiber spewed 5 feet across the kitchen from your juicer. I'm just saying.

Today was day one of my 21 day cleanse based on the book "Crazy Sexy Diet", by Kris Carr. I am venturing into new territory here. Never before have I gone vegan. But if it makes me feel better then I am up for anything. Not that I feel bad. I just want to feel better, if that makes sense to you. From reading The CSD book, I realized that I am deficient in Vitamin D. The symptoms of being deficient are: Fatigue, General muscle pain and weakness, Tender Sternum when you press on it, Muscle Cramps, Joint Pain, Chronic Pain, Weight Gain, Restless Sleep, Poor concentration, and Headaches. I have 7 of these symptoms. Yuck!
Of course, I could name 5 other reasons why I feel the way I do, but I'm going to go with this. I am also hopeful that I might lose 20-25 lbs (not in 3 weeks!) over the course of the next 2 months.

Becoming vegan is quite a process. There is a lot of food that I didn't realize had animal/dairy proteins in. Trying a raw food diet is something else entirely. Obviously they go together well. I figured or assumed that eating this way was going to taste like I was eating cardboard. I was totally wrong. I am glad I was wrong, that's for sure.
Every single recipe that I tried today I admit to being afraid of. I wasn't sure how I would feel about juicing green veggies for breakfast. I can tell you that the juice wasn't delicious. At least in my opinion.

Maybe my opinion will change as I go through it. It wasn't bad, just not amazing. I will say that I did feel energized, at least for part of the day. I attribute my exhaustion from 2 hours of sleep the night before because my daughter Isabella doesn't sleep.
 But I did like the other recipes. I took the time, and prepared everything with intention. I enjoyed the process of being in unfamiliar territory. I enjoyed overcoming the fear that I wouldn't like  anything. I also ate my meals slowly, and really appreciated them.

My favorite recipe that I was most worried about was "Eggless Salad Sandwiches" but I really liked it. I made my own Vegan Mayo from an online recipe which was surprisingly good!
The salad recipe is from Chad Sarno and is quite delicious.

Tofu Eggless Salad
(serves 6)
2 blocks firm tofu
1 cup vegan mayo
1/4 cup finely diced onion
1/2 cup carrot grated
1/3 cup parsley finely chopped
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 TB Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp pepper

In a large bowl, crumble all tofu. Hand mix with remaining ingredients until thoroughly combined. Serve on gluten free bread. Will keep for 5 days.

I opened my mind, I had childlike curiosity, and kept any crankiness in check. I know that I am capable of this, as well as resilient. I can do this. 

Right now I have a mean and nasty headache that hasn't gone away yet. Probably from the lack of caffeine, or from the beginning to detox phase.  I am hopeful that it will get better soon. 

What's really cool for me is that my hubby Glenn is doing this with me, and here is what he has to say about it:
"I noticed from the juicing and veggie eating today, my mind seems a lot clearer, without the caffeine. I was really energized, especially the first half of the day. So far so good. I was surprised that the recipes were going to be so good. I think the Eggless salad was fantastic, as well as the Kale salad."

So there ya go. Day 1 is put to bed. We did it! 

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