Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 3

So far, today has exceeded my expectations. I assumed that it would be a crappy day, as I am in full swing in detox. That hasn't been the case. I guess it's partly because I ate almost totally healthy before I started. I know the sugar withdrawl headache might get to me, but maybe not. Before this whole process started my beloved Glenn went out and totally bought Dunkin Donuts as a last hurrah. We never eat donuts and I have to admit it was a delicious treat.
Thank goodness I am allowed dark chocolate on this. I don't know what I would do if that was taken away from me.
I can tell you today that even though I am really tired (from my little one who chooses to party down all night long), I feel focused and have a sense of clarity. My mood is stable, and I feel that bubbly hope inside that hasn't been there in a long time.

I am still determined to wiggle and shake my rear today, I might have to dance with Isabella to get it done, but It's happening.

I am really excited to try a new recipe today. It's a mexican pilaf with wild rice and it has green onions, tomatoes, cilantro, fresh oregano, sundried tomatoes( mmmm) white miso, garlic, chili powder, and cumin in it. I am not sure about the miso, as I have never tried it. But looking forward to something new.

Today instead of a green juice, we made a green smoothie which was like green cream. Looked absolutely disgusting. But I totally enjoyed it. It had an avocado, romaine leaves, cucumber, liquid vitamin, a banana, and some agave.
Glenn wasn't thrilled with it the first few sips, but he got over it and ended up liking it. I was full for hours!
I'm starving right this second, but only because I couldn't stomach anymore of the leftovers that I have been eating for 3 meals. It does get old. I learned that I need variety.

I haven't lost any weight yet which I am kinda surprised at, but I don't feel bloated for the first time in ages. This has to be a good thing. I wonder if the bloating is from gluten, dairy, or animal products? Hmmm.
Glenn bought us a Bread machine which I am super excited about using. We realized that going Gluten Free was not going to be cheap, so we are going to make our own. Now I just have to find the ingredients. I found a recipe that I can't wait to try. I will let you know how it goes!

Today's affirmation made me laugh:
I am so frickin cool and delicious and pretty and witty and sharp! I love every inch of me. Who wouldn't? (from Kris Carr, author of Crazy Sexy Diet)
I might have to write that one out and tape it to the bathroom mirror.

So, what helps to keep you on track when it gets hard to keep going? I would love to hear your tips, or yummy things to try.

1 comment:

  1. On my cleanse, it was the support of hubby doing it with me. And the fact that I was doing something to help me feel better. I did a lot of meditating, breathing, and gentle walking outside.

    I'm not sure what's allowed in Diet Sexy, but I found that Kasha in the mornings is wonderful, and the desert I still make is cut up banana, unsweetened coconut, ground up cacao beans, with a touch of agave nectar. Would love to check out this book...sounds wonderful! Tell me what you think of the process!
