Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Yikes! It has been awhile since I posted, but not because of the program. I am still on it, and going strong. I have been going through major sleep deprivation with my toddler. But Day 5, people!
No caffeine headache, no craving meat, although I still want cheese.
Not a fan with the cost of Gluten Free bread, or how much you get for the price. We bought a Gluten Free mix through Bob's Red Mill, and will be popping it into the bread machine this weekend. I have high hopes for some tastiness.
I do have to admit to being incredibly cranky today.  I'm not sure if it's because of this cleanse, or the fact that I haven't SLEPT in days, but my kids figured out fairly quickly to stay out of my way.
Everyday of the cleanse there is a prayer and an affirmation included, and the prayer moved me today:
" May I share my shine without dimming it. Help me socialize with integrity. By setting an example, I inspire others. Remind me when I forget and fill me with holy shazzam discipline. "

So may it be so.

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